Peaceful Snow

I know a lot of people don’t get excited when they hear snow is in the forecast. I admit, I can be one of them. The thought of shoveling and everything else that goes along with snow removal can be daunting (especially when the weather people are predicting a foot of the white stuff). This is my current situation. This slow moving nor’easter started last night and is expected to end tomorrow morning.

As a kid, I would excitedly look forward to times like these. When school was called off, I would go to the neighbors and shovel them out for spending money (I don’t know if that is even a thing anymore – definitely not in my neighborhood). We would stay out all day and go sledding, have snowball fights, make snowmen, and create snow forts when the snow had accumulated enough.

Now, as an adult I don’t do those things for the length of time that I used to (I still make snow people, shovel for myself, and throw snowballs – I still play :-)). But, in the early morning of a snowfall, I stand in awe of of the peaceful beauty that surrounds me. An amazing blanket of white quiet – undisturbed of sound or footprints. A reminder of my many blessings.

May you have many moments like these, every day.

With Love, Blessings, and Peace,