This word has been cropping up in my life over the past few months…a lot.
Everyone is on their own journey. Remember that.
Our paths may cross but our journeys will only be our own. Like our fingerprints, they are individualized experiences. I believe journeys are lessons we are meant to learn while we are on earth.
When I think of my journey I picture it as a road filled with straightaways, crooked s curves, smooth, filled with potholes or like a rollercoaster, with peaks and valleys. Each part of the road identifies a season in life; easy, happy, excited, scared, sad, grief, confusion…you get where I am going.
Recently, the road on my journey felt like I was driving on a mountain road with repeated blind curves, dodging potholes, and dangerously close to the edge while approaching a huge bridge spanning over a valley. It was an unsettling feeling filled with lots of emotions…(If you know me, I don’t care for heights, mountain drop-offs or bridges at all).
When the journey gets bumpy, you can’t really put an estimate on when it will smooth out (trust me on this one….I’ve tried and failed). You need to trust and have faith that it will. In my experience, when that crazy mountainous road smooths out and is back to flat land, it is freeing. I am able to find my joy and peace once again.
Look out world, I am back!