October 2022


There are so many things that can get in our way on the daily, sometimes hourly.  It is how we respond to those nasty instigators that will define your hour, day, week(s), month(s) or even year(s).  

In my prior life, I was part of a training called Six Sigma and if I am not mistaken (I have not been able to verify it online) one phrase we were told was to “check your weather”.   Now this had nothing to do with looking out the nearest window, but everything about your mood and attitude.  Mood and attitude can define your interaction with others.  

In recruiting (and in any part of life really), if you are having a lousy day because you spilled coffee on yourself, that lousy day “weather” could possibly flow into a conversation with the next person you encounter.  Unfortunately, if you let it, that lousy moment will set the mood for your entire day. 

We all have those days, weeks, months – I am no different.  Sh*t happens.  It wouldn’t be life if it didn’t.  However, I do my best to try to keep my day as peaceful and positive as I can.  

A dear friend told me of something she recently heard – 

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

Lao Tzu

My wish for you today, and always, is that you find peace, joy and positivity in every day.   

With Love, Blessings and Peace

Oh, and here is a picture of my peaceful sunrise this morning….