Show up for YOU!


After coming inside from snowmageddon this morning, I changed my routine.  The 3 of us were outside for about an hour ; 1/3rd  of “us” was my 4 legged shadow.  I would shovel, then play fetch with him, snow blow, then walk in the snow with him.  Needless to say, when we came in the house he was covered with snow and had snow chunks between his toes. 

Generally, when we enter the house on a snowy or rainy day, I dry him off first before I take care of myself. 

This morning was different.  I took off my mittens, coat, coveralls, and snow-covered boots.  I admit, I felt guilty.  Amazingly, and out of character,  he stood by quietly on his towel waiting for me to wipe him down.  

As I knelt down to remove the snow chunks from his paws, I recalled of one of the safety procedures on a plane.  You know the one where the flight attendant instructs passengers of the procedures if there is a drop in cabin pressure.  If you are traveling with a minor or someone that requires assistance and the oxygen masks drop, you are to take care of yourself first then assist the other person. 

So often we are busy taking care of those around us, we neglect ourselves.  Over the past 15 months I have diligently been allowing myself at least 30 minutes a day to show up for myself.  Whether is it praying, reading, meditating, practicing yoga, studying, or taking time to learn,  I find it important to take that time for myself.  It helps me to stay balanced so I can show up for others.

Don’t be afraid to take a little time everyday and show up for YOU!

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. — Maya Angelou